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No one's account is safe on imvu or protected, they can throw you in the trash whenever they want and feel like it without giving any explanation or reasons, even if you are going by their rules and policies and never broke them they will still treat you like a criminal, this is no way to do business or treat the customers, very very poor and pathetic way of doing business. I warn everyone never to spend one penny on this shitty site and don't give them your money and waste your money and time on this useless place, now imvu have became a place where only raspiests and pedophiles and racists people hang out, you wont find single decent person on imvu, and it has only turned in to a place to steal peoples money and to offend them and violate them, imvu talks about violating their terms of service when the truth is that they are the ones violating all peoples rights and money.I warn everyone never to think on spending money on imvu, even if you spend thousands and you been a user for so many years they wont care and will disable you whenever they want and for no reason at all without any explanation or will lose everything in a second.take it from a person who used imvu for 13 years and spend so much on it and worked my heart and soul to build my account on it, and even then they disabled me for no reason and when i have done nothing. And the so-called Christian chatrooms on IMVU are even more insidious because of the wolves in sheep's clothing. My point is there are a lot of dirty chat rooms on IMVU but beware of Christian chatrooms on there too. Things came to a a head when me and the other lady who was married spoke up about it publicly in the chatroom BUT we were the ones who were vilified. I messaged the admin of room and was told he was a nice, sweet guy once you get to know him and she didn't know why he kept doing things like that.

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He also did this to a married woman who recently came back to Christ and whose husband had recently became a Christian. It turned out, he was doing this to several other ladies and making many women feel uncomfortable but NO ONE was doing anything about it. When I messaged one of the ladies from chatroom, she said he was "harmless" and to not say anything about it. Joined IMVU for fun but the very first time I was in a Christian chatroom, a man on there hit on me, flirted with me, and said suggestive things to me.

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